Last friday was my best friend birthday.......this is the first time we go to the sushi restaurant to eat sushi. First we open the menu, a bit expensive. Then weng has ordered "yu sheng". That very good but we eat very full so cannot finished. But we very smart, we don't want waste the food then we "da bao". Haha...... After finished my breakfast+luch, then we go to shopping at Jusco. Shopping until around 5 o'clock, we just go back. Because weng at night still got plan with her friends! Hehe........
Happy Birthday Weng...........
Last friday was my best friend birthday.......this is the first time we go to the sushi restaurant to eat sushi. First we open the menu, a bit expensive. Then weng has ordered "yu sheng". That very good but we eat very full so cannot finished. But we very smart, we don't want waste the food then we "da bao". Haha...... After finished my breakfast+luch, then we go to shopping at Jusco. Shopping until around 5 o'clock, we just go back. Because weng at night still got plan with her friends! Hehe........
Ipoh trip with 云姐 @-@……………………
Last Friday, Weng came Kampar with her friend talk about the facial beauty with my Utar friends. After finished the talk, she fetched me and 云姐 go back to my house. We go back house about 3.p.m. Then Weng rushed go to the Alken Company by 3, actually she is late......hehe......After the rest we planed go to parade. But my mother not allowed because later we have to go hospital to visit my sister. We go a little rushed so we cancel the plan. But i still didn't give up to went out, i went outside near my house by motorcycle with 云姐 to buy the rojak. The rojak got a bit expensive. It RM5.....walao......and the teste not so good. Around 7.p.m my second sister text me, she told me she is going to do operation now. We went to the hospital with 云姐 and my sister-in-law around 8.p.m. My elder sister asked mother where is sister room, she told us she is forgot. Haha... mummy how come you can forgot? That is your daughter le......but its ok, my sister went to the counter asked the nurse. Don't know why my sister was in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.(My sister not going to born a baby). Maybe there are not enough space or what, so she has to stayed at there. We went to the room saw that my sis not over there, maybe the operation has not finished. Then we walked to the 冬菇亭 to have our dinner. After finished the dinner we walked back to hospital, but my sister still not there. While we waited over there, we have so 4 babies was slept in the small box. They really cute, this is the first time i saw the babies was just born in 1 or 2 days. There was very small and like "tau fu". haha.... Finally my sister came back around 9.30.p.m. She looks like very tired and pain. So poor~ After around 10.p.m the nurse started asked us to go. Then we went back home. I'm very sorry to 云姐 because she also waited for my sister with us. haha~pai sei~ Haha, so happy The next day we went to first garden have our breakfast. Then we went to jj k-box, after finished the sing-k we went to boutique to buy the dinner dress. We have went to many shop but not suitable for me. After we went to the Greentown also can't find. Finally we went to the ipoh parade. Haha, i hane bought my dinner dress finally. That day we really tired and hungry, after we went back home we take our dinner. After the dinner i have found that got a dessert. Secret so happy.....haha. Next day afternoon we take bus back to Kampar already.云姐 can go back Ipoh with me, next time if got time i will go to KL with her.
How long I still can cover........
Why you want to treat me like that? I ask myself i have put all my attention to you, but finally what I get? I have nothing............. Did I still have to continue or give up? I told myself I will try my best, but I'm really no talent....... I will be crazy if I continue like this, please let me take my way by myself. I'm not child anymore. I have feeling, I have thinking, I have my own opinion. If yours didn't by my idea is ok. Please give me freedom, i'm already ennui to listen yours reason!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday night i go to Calyn and Song house. They have teach me the practical 2....thanks to them.....While Song non-stop to watch her scary movies~ After around 2.a.m. something, i ask Wai Yee "da bao" the roti telur for me, because i very hungry, don't know why??? After i finished the practical 2, i terus go to Wai Yee house stay for one night. We woke up around 2.p.m(wow~so long time i even wake up so late), then we continue our practical 3. thanks Wai Yee too~ =)....Wai Yee house has a very cute dog, he very good. Ask he sit he will sit. Ask he showed hand he will show for you. I also hope that i can get one pet..... After this we walk near to the Ktar there with Calyn and Song to have breakfast+lunch+dinner. I have ordered the Ice Lemon Tea and 奶油鸡饭. The Ice Lemon Tea was only a small glass and the rice was not so good. The important thing is when i finished the rice then i went back my house. I felt my stomach-ache. Walao a~ I won't went there anymore!!!!
3rd Anniversary

Last sunday(29-11-2009)was our 3rd anniversary. Although we have no celebration, but he has bought a pair of couple watch for me. I love it very much. While sometimes we often argue, but we also know we are very care of each other. I hope we can together with a lot a lot of another 3 years. I really value this relationship between us. Thanks GOD~
Fully disappointed

This month 29th are our 3 years celebration of our relationship. I have think a lot of ideas hope that we can celebrate together, but i think it will be my hopeless. 29th is on Sunday..... this weekend i maybe will go to KL, so i can't see him. Its OK, i keep on thinking how can we celebrate. He off day on Thursday, so i think i can replace all the class on that day because Friday is Haji so i no need to attend the class. Who knows he is not off on Thursday, but off on Wednesday. Because his colleague want to change with him .... I was blur.... I really very angry why he didn't ask me when he want to change.....i really think highly of this date....why he don't ask me first? He knew me that i am very unhappy, he said he try to change on Friday off,but today he told me he cannot change i really disappointed......he said sorry and sorry, but what can do? Its what...just let it pass....
Blur for a whole day。。。。
Before came back the campus i have told myself must do my web page design assignment. but who know, i came back just sit in front of computer. I have watched the "gong xin ji". Ok, i told myself have to do already, but i didn't do also. I have go to the facebook don't know until what time. When i saw my clock, OH.........its already 6.00 p.m. I started sitting here from around 3.00 p.m until 6.00 p.m. But i have do nothing, what happened to me. I also don't know what i'm doing? me, i can't be like this anymore!!
I am lost
I'm totally lost. I'm don't know what i'm doing..i have made a wrong decision, i not belong to this place. I feel stress and nervours at here. No friends, no one company me when i am feel sad and alone. Still how long i can cover all the things happened in my life? But i have no choose, i still have to continue my life.I can not to be a weakness, i want to be strong and more strong.
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