Are You Ready? All My Friends~
Tomorrow is our final exam, I think all my friends are study hard. Hope my friends will get the good result. All the best my dear friends! GOD BLESS US! 朋友们,加油~!!!!

I don't want stay here anymore; I hate Kampar; I hate Kampar hostel; I hate everything in here.
No one company me; No people stay with me; No mood to study.
Why you always busy? Why you didn't reply me? Why you didn't find me?
Sorry to my family; Sorry to my friends; Sorry to myself.....
I hate myself!!!
No one company me; No people stay with me; No mood to study.
Why you always busy? Why you didn't reply me? Why you didn't find me?
Sorry to my family; Sorry to my friends; Sorry to myself.....
I hate myself!!!
Celebration With Song & Dom =D

Although yesterday not their real birthday, but we also celebrate with them. Actually their birthday at Sunday, but Song and Dom were not in Kampar so we delay at Monday. Shiew Foong came to tesco to buy something, after that I followed her go back to Westlake to give a surprise to them~ I satyed in Shiew Foong house until aroung 6.30.p.m we went to Wai Yee and joined Melissa to Just to Eat bought the birthday cake. During the way we went to bought the cake, we saw Wei Wan was walking with his friends to have dinner. We have tell him we are going to celebrate birthday with Song. Who knows he text message for Song. Oooohhhh~ why he want to tell her? Maybe he don't know we are planed to have a surprise. But fined, after buying cake we went to Purple Forest because Song, Calyn and Dom were having dinner over there. (Calyn was our people, her planed all the things in the plan.)After the celebration we went to westlake chatting, after that we went to ate "luk luk". Then just went back home. I overslept at Shiew Foong's house, the next day I went to my own house. Lastly, Happy Birthday to Dom and Song. Hehe~THE END~(Sorry for the blur blur picture!!)
Mc Donalds~i'm lovin it =)

wow~ I have long time didn't went to Mc Donalds with my jie mui. We have a lots of memory in MC. Today after we went to Parade, suddently we think about Mc Donalds. When Weng, Wendy and I were went to Kinta Mc, but there are no parking for us so we forced to move the location. We have moved to Medan Gopeng Mc. Although got a bit far but we still want to go, and suddently raining heavily. =.= (sweat''). We have take a lot of photo and play with the burger. Hahahaha O.o
Blood Donation ^6^

Today we went to campus early by 11 something for our blood donation. Originally Wai Yee said want to go with us, but today she has no transport so she can't go to campus. Just Dom and me donate only,but Lai Wei has company us until all the process. Thanks her^,^ We went to cafeteria to take my breakfast, then we went to Block A for our registration. Before we just thought that only for our blood donation, but there was a staff asked us whether want donate organ or not? Then sudden Dom said ok la, then don't know why I just followed. Maybe we are really likes to help people. Then the other staff called my number, she want us to check our blood pressure. After that went to the side there to check which group we are. I have check before when secondary school, I always believe that I am group O, but today the nurse help me check thay said mine one is B. Then have to check again, yes, is B. Ok, fine..... Then we went to take the basket that prepare for our donation. This is the first time we donate blood, so nervous. But actually not pain at all, only got a bit anesthesia. When that pack of blood is full, we just rest for a while then went to take our sijil and present. After that we straigh to went to our class. This is very good experience and we can help the people that they need. If next time has organize the blood donation I will go again.....YEAH!!!!
Exam Exam & Exam.....
Exam is coming, but i haven prepare anything. Still always play play play. When i want to study i take the notes then i will feel very boring. Can i continue to the next sem? Dun know? Maybe study is not my style! What the ........ always come to knock my room door ask me stop to online.....ishhhhhhhhhhhhh~ Have you think about my feeling? Do you?You want to use how about me? I'm also a human being. STOP BULLY-ING ME....S#%$#T!!!!!
Cute Cactus~
Yesterday we went to the campus they was a small stall was sold the cactus. Although there were not much choices, but I also have bought a plant that not look like cactus! It got a little bit like seaweed, and Dom has bought a little small cactus. One for RM3, the price is ok la...Hope it will not fast to die if I didn't take care of it. Then i have give it a name its call..........little finger. Because its look like many fingers, i will take care of you"little finger". Hahaha~
Sweet Wedding
一直期待已久的婚礼已经结束了,我姐姐终于出嫁了~原来要准备一个婚宴是不容易的事情,实在太多东西要忙了。就在吃炒粉的当天,爸爸和妈妈就要准备晚上的东西,到了晚上我们就要招呼客人,客人开始离开我们就要收拾东西。到了凌晨十二点爸爸妈妈要帮姐姐梳头(一梳梳到尾,二梳白发齐眉之类的。)隔天早上我姐姐五点多就起床了,因为化妆师要过来帮她准备,直到七点多我才起床姐姐还没有弄好。而我就准备我的东西。真的是忙透了+乱水,大家都忙得团团转!!到了九点多新郎就到了。姐妹们开始玩一些变态的游戏来整新郎;把甜酸苦辣加起来变一杯水给新郎喝;用筷子夹麻将夹成爱你长长久久和一生一世之类,兄弟们还要拔脚毛(可怜)!!新郎经过几个难关才可以见到我的姐姐。过后就要开始拜天地和倒茶给长辈喝。之后姐姐就去新郎家做同样的东西。还蛮闷的~~之后下午俩点多我们姐妹们就回家了,四点我和姐姐去弄头发,六点我们就去酒楼。爸爸安排亲戚们的座位,我们就招待客人。没多久姐姐他们就来了。到了十点客人开始离开,然后轮流拍照,然后就回家了。回到家躺在床上立刻就睡着了。。。。(累~~~~)happy ending =)
Happy Steambot ^0^
Yesterday Calyn, Song, Wai Yee, River, Dom, and Shiew Foong their come to my house to steambot. Although before one month they already said want to come to my house steambot, but yesterday they finally come.haha~ Yesterday after finished class at 5'o clock, Calyn and Dom walk to east lake from campus, and the others cycle. Then we went to Tesco to buy our things for steambot. After finished buying, they go to my house and started to prepare. When we are eating for the half way, we started to do our favourate things that is take picture. We have bought many fish ball and vegetables, so we ate until so full... we have to rest a while..... haha~ We have take many pictures and videos that were very funny. Then we start our 2nd round to have our steambot. Then around twelve something thay have to went back, their bicycle put here because it was too late, then Dom's boyfriend come here to fetched them back. Hope we can gather to eat and eat again. YEAH!!!!

每个星期都会非常期待他的到来,虽然他不是每个星期都会来,可是当他来的时候都会买很多东西给我吃,所以我才会变胖了!!上个星期我们去了一间很特别的餐厅,叫 Gold Label. 它里面的摆设很特别,放的都是古代的东西,我们都蛮喜欢那边的环境,虽然食物没有特变的好吃。不过他叫了一份红酒牛扒还不错,而我只叫了普通的套餐。吃到一半他跟我调换了,因为他知道我比较喜欢吃他的那一份,哈哈。。。。我们吃完了就坐在那里聊天,可能他被那里的气氛感染了,说出了很多他心中的话,也把他的不愉快和压力也说完出来。听见他这么说真的为他感到心酸,因为我什么也帮不到他。不知不觉就已经谈到十点多了,然后我们就回家了。希望我们还有机会过去那里畅谈(哈哈~)。。。。。。

Yeah.... new year, new mood, new hope, new clothes!!! Haha, this new year finally I can go to count down. I take bus from kampar to Medan Kid, he sister is came back so he has no car. Originally he said he sat motobike to fetch me, but last his brother and him come to fetch me because it was a little bit raining. Wow, his brother very good people(touch)....Then we went home for our dinner around 9 something his friends came to his home to take us go to yam cha. We go to Station 1, we have to wait place to sit and we stand there almost 20minutes. Because so many people. The mood there very livelinenss. There got a bar they, got three people sing and talking over there. So cool. Especially almost reach 12, they are more people and more hot but we have moved to other location near there. When i went there were more people, and i have saw many peoples I know but they haven saw me. Hehe, luckily....When reached 12 there started have many baccy, we can saw so close and very beautiful. So, this is how i celebrate my New Year, and i hope myself in new year have a new life and new start!!
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