Today we went to campus early by 11 something for our blood donation. Originally Wai Yee said want to go with us, but today she has no transport so she can't go to campus. Just Dom and me donate only,but Lai Wei has company us until all the process. Thanks her^,^ We went to cafeteria to take my breakfast, then we went to Block A for our registration. Before we just thought that only for our blood donation, but there was a staff asked us whether want donate organ or not? Then sudden Dom said ok la, then don't know why I just followed. Maybe we are really likes to help people. Then the other staff called my number, she want us to check our blood pressure. After that went to the side there to check which group we are. I have check before when secondary school, I always believe that I am group O, but today the nurse help me check thay said mine one is B. Then have to check again, yes, is B. Ok, fine..... Then we went to take the basket that prepare for our donation. This is the first time we donate blood, so nervous. But actually not pain at all, only got a bit anesthesia. When that pack of blood is full, we just rest for a while then went to take our sijil and present. After that we straigh to went to our class. This is very good experience and we can help the people that they need. If next time has organize the blood donation I will go again.....YEAH!!!!
haha mei foong u looked so happy ar.memang a true st. john! :D
回复删除hey mei foong! accidentally pass by ur blog and found out that u linked me...so shock! haha.. happy.. linked u too....do always blog..i like to read
回复删除Thanks o~